System Messages and Error Page

The default system messages and error page that come with netAdventist may be customized to fit your needs.

The new training video hasn’t been created yet for this feature.

  • If you haven't already done so, Log in and go to the Dashboard. You are taken to the Site Content tab.
  • Select the Settings tab from the horizontal navigation bar at the top of the page.
  • Choose System Messages from the left navigation bar.
  • netAdventist offers you a list of default messages that are sent for different tasks to members of your site. Each message is editable to fit the individual site’s needs. Select Edit on the right next to a system message you wish to edit.
  • Edit the Message Name, Description and Email Subject fields if needed.
  • Edit the Email Body Content to fit your site’s needs. Notice that there are tags incorporated into the body of the message. Tags allow specific information to be associated with the emails such as member names and site information.
  • For a list of available tags and their format, select the {{ tags }} cheat sheet orange bar at the bottom of the Email Body Content field to display options that can be used. Add these to the email body content where applicable.
  • Select the Save button when finished.
  • Choose System Error Page from the left navigation bar.
  • This is the message that will be seen when someone stumbles onto an error on your site. You can edit this message to fit the site’s needs using the editor to create content below it.
  • When finished editing the message, select Save.